Carless in Los Angeles and how bicycle technology made it to Mars

Russ Rocca talks about hotdogs, cigarettes and how losing his truck in Los Angeles saved his life. (The Path Less Pedaled)

If you’re interested in bicycle journalism, BikePortland is a must-read site and Jonathan Maus is the reason why. (Portland Tribune)

“Paul DeMaio, founder of the bike consultancy MetroBike, says the number of bike share programs worldwide has exploded–from 60 in 2007 to nearly 450 today.” (Fortune)

Jo Charnock and Jan Wouters rode Dahon folding bicycles through Africa in 2007 and wrote a book about it. Will the term “hitchbiking” finally catch on? (Travelling Two)

You can put a man on the moon, but can you put a bicycle on Mars? Sort of, if you count the contribution of Chattanooga, Tennessee-based American Bicycle Group to Curiosity, NASA’s newest Mars rover. (Times Free Press)

It takes imagination to come up with the idea of a human-powered railroad on top of a fence. It takes focus and capital to actually build the thing. All three ingredients were present in 1892. (Atlantic Cities)

Ye shall be known by the company you attract. Dave Eggers, author of the book “A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius,” says Rivendell leader Grant Petersen, author of the book “Just Ride,” is bringing “biking back to a state of moderation and rationality.” (New York Times)

There’s always time to learn to ride a bicycle, even if you’re Matt Fregenheimer,  a transportation reporter, who needs a bit more time than that. (New York Times)

About 16incheswestofpeoria

Former bicycle mechanic, current peruser of books, feeder of birds.
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1 Response to Carless in Los Angeles and how bicycle technology made it to Mars

  1. lardavis says:

    Just wonderful, these resources you’ve discovered and shared. Thanks, Sam.

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